Thursday, August 29, 2013

Begin Again

Do you ever wonder why we have to keep starting over?  I wonder that A LOT.  I recently have thought about how great I use to be about writing in my journal, and that is what has led me to starting a new blog.  I have to Begin Again.  And weight loss....seriously.  What the heck.  Do you even know how many times I've had to Begin AGAIN with that?  Too many.  And yet, here I am...beginning again.  And running.  I love running.  Truly I do.  But I have been so lazy and unmotivated lately.  I can't even get myself out of bed to do it.  And so, as I look at the prospect of doing another Ragnar Relay but this time as an Ultra team, I once again...Begin Again.
But I am grateful for new beginnings.  They give us a chance to reflect and reevaluate life.  Recently (May) my husband lost his job of 11 years.  Not exactly the way I wanted to begin again, but it is what it is.  And it has been HARD...really really hard.  But in the midst of the difficulties, I have seen so many blessings.  I love that trials give us the chance to more clearly recognize God's hand in all we do.  And it truly is, and has been, so present in our lives these last months.  I know He always has been there my whole life, but sometimes we need a perspective shift, and boy did we get one!!  
So as the school year is starting soon for us, I look at all the things I get to Begin Again.  My schedule, my health, my passion for running, and who knows what else! And I am grateful that I do get to start over and have a clean slate and quit judging myself for my past mistakes, but move forward and..Begin Again!